How to Treat Panic Attacks
Panic attacks can be very scary for the person experiencing one, as well as anyone who witnesses it. There are several options for treating and dealing with a panic attack.Instructions
Panic attacks are extremely upsetting episodes that usually result from anxiety. They may occur just once, or more often. Initially, during the first panic attack, it may feel so terrifying and scary, that we are certain death is near. However, no one has ever been known to die from a panic attack.
Common symptoms of a panic attack are: rapid heartbeat, sweating, nausea or diarrhea, breathlessness, and feeling faint, light headed, dizzy or disoriented.
Common treatments used to be tranquilizers, but because of the problem of dependency, doctors seldom prescribe them for panic attacks anymore. More often, a beta blocker or antidepressant that has a sedative effect will be used for a short term basis.
To complement the antidepressant or beta blocker, often counseling or cognitive therapy is recommended, for long term help.
Additionally, treatment for panic attacks can also involve natural treatment therapies such as learning calming breathing techniques. This technique can help in the midst of a panic attack by focusing the attention on the breath pattern, and will calm down the person experiencing the attack. At the first sign of uneasiness, try to relax your jaw, and your facial muscles. Allow your shoulders to drop below your ears. Take steady, full breaths, making sure the intake of breath is equal to breathing out. Counting slowly will help you focus while you breathe.
A hot steaming cup of lemon balm tea can help immensely to calm frayed nerves, and will provide a tranquilizing effect on the nervous system. A product called Rescue Remedy is also available, this is an easy to use spray that can be kept in the purse or handbag and used at the first sign of a panic attack.