How to Overcome Arachnophobia
Understand phobias. Knowing that it is an irrational fear and that the chances of harm coming to you are slim to none is an important step in overcoming it.
Decide what your end goal will be. Would you be happy if spiders still bothered you, but didn't send you into a panic? Or would you want to be completely comfortable with them? Deciding on how much of the phobia you want to overcome will help you reach a realistic goal.
Research spiders. People tend to be scared of the unknown. Knowing the facts about spiders should help you realize that your fear is misplaced (see Resources).
Get comfortable with spiders that are far away. Look at pictures of spiders and remind yourself that there is nothing to be afraid of; alternatively, stand on the other side of a room that has a spider in it.
Make a plan on how to deal with spiders on a closer basis. Go see a spider display at the zoo or visit a friend who has a pet spider. Walking in the woods is bound to take you past a spider at some point.
Keep the phobia in check by regularly exposing yourself to spiders in some form until you are no longer afraid of them.