Types of Affective Disorders
Seasonal affective disorder is one of the most common; people with this condition suffer irritability, depression, and anxiety due to the change of seasons.
Bipolar disorder is a condition where people go from extreme feelings of elation (mania) to extreme depression. These episodes can last for a few hours, or they can last a few months at a time.
Major Depression
This is also called unipolar disorder, and is characterized by having five or more depressive symptoms that last for two weeks or longer; these symptoms include a feeling of worthlessness, a pessimistic attitude, sadness, hopelessness and new sleeping or eating habits.
Obsessive compulsive disorder is a condition where you partake in repetitive actions because of certain fears that lead to compulsive acts. For example, excessive hand washing occurs because of an irrational fear of germs on your hands.
A phobia is a condition where you have a specific fear of an object, a situation or setting. Some of the names of well known phobias include claustrophobia, arachnophobia and agoraphobia.