How to Prevent Face Blushing and Erythrophobia

Face blushing is normal for most people. It is a common human reaction when feeling certain emotions such as embarrassment or attraction. There are many other people however that suffer from excessive blushing. These people turn red at the slightest things and often at inappropriate times. They may blush when approached by a stranger and asked a question, or while in the line at the grocery store approaching the checker. A phobia often develops within these people which causes them to actually fear face blushing. This condition is called erythrophobia.

Things You'll Need

  • Will Power
  • Determination
  • Willingness to Change
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      In order to treat face blushing, you first need to try and discover WHY your face turns red. Start documenting all of your blushing episodes. Write down where the incident occurred and what led up it. Take note of how you felt and what you thought that other people were thinking about you. Also write down what reasoning you had behind your thoughts of what others were thinking. Write down why you thought they were thinking negatively of you.

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      To treat face blushing and erythrophobia, another common method is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). This treatment method combines behavioral and cognitive therapy techniques to treat symptoms of a variety of anxieties and phobias. The therapist will attempt to get to the root of your anxiety and change your way of thinking so you are more grounded in your thoughts and behaviors. People with phobias tend to see the world in an unrealistic setting and fear things that should not be feared. This type of therapy will help you to recognize, embrace, and treat your phobia.

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      Meditation, visualization and breathing techniques are ALL great ways to treat face blushing. Learning these three exercises will allow you to become more in tune with your body so you will be able to recognize and stop an embarrassing face blushing episode from occurring. You will be able to recognize that these are abnormal feelings and you will be able to treat them appropriately. Learning how to relax will greatly benefit anyone suffering from anxieties and phobias.

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      Another step to treating face blushing is hypnosis. The hypnosis therapist will help to replace your negative thoughts with positive affirmations and constructive ways of thinking. You blush because you fear turning red in front of others. You will learn not to fear the act of blushing and your erythrophobia will eventually stop.

      Preventing and stopping erythrophobia IS within your control.

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