Facts About Stage Fright
"Stage fright" is the feeling of nervousness one gets before appearing before an audience; it is also known as "performance anxiety" and is related to the social disorder "glossophobia."
As many as 75% of people experience some form of stage fright. However, very few of these people suffer from glossophobia, a severe form of stage fright which is marked by intense anxiety at the thought of speaking in public and makes an individual unable to perform basic tasks, such as introducing himself to new people.
In addition to feelings of nervousness and anxiety, common systems of stage fright include increased heart rate, dry mouth, muscle contractions and rapid breathing. More extreme symptoms can include nausea,vomiting and diarrhea.
Stage fright may be a manifestation of humans' naturally evolved "fight-or-flight" instinct, which is the biological response of animals to acute stress and causes an accelerated heart rate, rapid breathing and the tightening of muscles.
Some famous people who have suffered from stage fright include Elvis Presley, Barbra Streisand, Meryl Streep and Sir Laurence Olivier.