How to Combat Anxiety Attacks
Learn deep breathing techniques. It is common to hyperventilate, or breathe very rapidly, when you have an anxiety attack. Once hyperventilation starts, it can cause other symptoms, such as chest tightness and dizziness. Taking long, deep breaths when you first start feeling anxious or panicked can help you control your breathing and maybe even prevent an attack.
Stay away from caffeine and cigarettes. If you are already prone to panic attacks, caffeine and nicotine can actually trigger new attacks because these substances stimulate the nervous system. The non-drowsy type of cold medications can have the same effect.
Use relaxation techniques, such as meditation, muscle relaxation and yoga. Practicing these techniques can help improve your body's relaxation response and can help reduce your anxiety level if you use them when you start to feel stressed.
Schedule a time to worry. Set aside time each day to worry for 30 minutes. During this time, think about your problems and what you can do to resolve them. At the end of the 30 minutes, resolve to shelve your worry until the next day's session.
Get an adequate amount of sleep and exercise. Lack of sleep and exercise can contribute to your anxious feelings. Exercise releases endorphins, substances produced in the brain that tend to improve your mood and sense of well-being.
Visualize yourself successfully confronting your fears. Your visualization of a successful outcome can help you feel less stressed when you are faced with the real situation.
Visit a psychologist or psychiatrist if self-help techniques are not helping. These mental health professionals can suggest strategies to help you cope with your anxiety and reduce the frequency of your attacks. A psychiatrist can also prescribe medication to help you control your anxiety attacks.