How to Stay Away From Negativity
Be careful of the people you surround yourself with. Some of them can be joy zappers and maybe they are unaware of it themselves. I believe that most people want to be good, so maybe they aren't intending to hurt you, but by their constant complaining and lack of thankfulness, or by their constant gossiping, they really are hurting you and keeping you from having a healthy state of mind. There are millions of people in the world. Try to surround yourselves with those that are thankful, see the silver lining in all situations and are generally mostly happy and rarely say anything bad about anyone.
Be careful of what types of tv programs and movies you watch. Some can be entertaining and fun, that promote good in your life or give you inspiration. Others can be draining, happiness zapping and may have an agenda you don't agree with. You have the power to change the channel or not watch a certain film. Use that power and watch positive, entertaining, inspiring programming and movies.
Don't put yourself in a position to attract negativity. There is a saying that like attracts like, so if you yourself are acting in a negative way, you're more than likely to attract more negativity in your life and it just compounds itself before you can catch your breath, step back and realize it is happening. Try to be positive yourself, focusing on finding the good in others and yourself, find the silver linings in all situations and be positive to yourself. Once you become a more positive person, you will attract more positive things in your life.