How to Deal With Zoloft Withdrawal
One of the ways to deal with Zoloft withdrawal is to get massages either from a professional or your significant other. Zoloft withdrawal can cause a great deal of muscle tension, and this can temporarily relieve that tension.
The "electrical zaps" that you feel are often made worse by being in places that have bright lights or other intense visual stimuli. It's a good idea to stay in places that have relaxing, subtle lighting as much as possible.
When dealing with Zoloft withdrawal, you may have rebound depression. To prevent this from happening, or at least lessen its effect, add exercise to your daily routine if you haven't already. Exercise has been shown to alleviate depression as much as SSRIs.
Eat a healthy diet that does not include sugar or junk food. This can help you deal with Zoloft withdrawal because you are not having to also deal with blood sugar fluctuations at the same time.
There is no prize for getting off of Zoloft the fastest. Since this is the case, don't rush your body, because the withdrawal symptoms will just be worse. Don't feel bad about going back up to a bit of a higher dose for a few days if you have stressful events happening in your life.