How to Calm a Child Using ADHD Natural Remedies
Plan a good diet for your child. Protein is one of the best ADHD natural remedies. Research suggests that protein causes the brain to produce more norephrine and dopamine. These are natural chemicals that help a person stay alert and focused. For best results a child's daily intake of protein should be about 30 grams. Protein is found in foods such as poultry, lean meats, eggs, dairy products, and soy milk. Fish is another food that can help your child stay focused. Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, which support healthy brain functioning. Flaxseed oil is also rich in omega-w fatty acids.
Check your child for food allergies. Sometimes creating ADHD natural remedies can be as simple as eliminating certain foods from your child's diet. If you are noticing that your child is becoming overly active after eating certain foods, then don't give those foods to your child. See what happens if you take wheat and other refined carbohydrates from your child's diet for several days. These foods cause some children to become hyper Replace them with brown rice, oats, and rye bread. Limit your child's intake of junk food. Let your child's behavior be your guide in determining which foods are affecting his or her behavior.
Make sure your child is getting enough vitamins and nutrients. These are very important ADHD natural remedies. A deficiency of vitamin B and antioxidants can reduce mental clarity and make it difficult to concentrate. Scientific studies suggest that a zinc deficiency can cause problems with memory and iron deficiency can shorten a person's attention span.
Give your child herbs to support healthy brain functioning. Ginkgo biloba is one of the most effective ADHD natural remedies. It helps get more blood flowing to the brain. It also raises the levels of neurotransmitters. As a result, the brain is able to focus better. You may find that the benefits of this herb are permanent and therefore, you may have to give it to your child on an ongoing basis. Gotu kola, also known as centella asiatica, improves overall brain function. It decreases anxiety and improves memory. Studies suggests that this herb is also promotes good circulation because it increases blood flow to the brain. Siberian ginseng stimulates the brain naturally. In doing so, it improves concentration. Siberian ginseng also controls the amount of energy that is released throughout the body.
Use mediation to reduce your child's symptoms. Several studies suggest that transcendental meditation can improve the ability of children with ADHD to handle stress, think more clearly, and remain calm. This is perhaps one of the more efficient ADHD natural remedies, because a person can do it anywhere, and there is no danger of over doing it. Researchers say just 10 minutes of meditation twice a day is enough to cause changes in the brain that will reduce the symptoms of ADHD. In fact, a study funded by the Institute for Community Enrichment and the Abramson Family Foundation found that after practicing transcendental meditation for six months, it is possible for a child with ADHD to have the same ability to focus as any other child. Just keep in mind that while meditation is powerful, it can take a while to notice any results. So it's important to stick with it.