How to Stop Feeling Depersonalized
Things You'll Need
- Hope
Check with a doctor and ask about medication for depersonalization disorder. If you are willing to try medication, you may have to take a few different drugs until you find one that works well for you. Make sure your doctor is familiar with depersonalization. Many doctors are not.
Exercise to reduce symptoms of depersonalization disorder. Exercise is important especially out in the sun Many people have greatly reduced their symptoms and even totally recovered from depersonalization by exercising in the sun.
Try eating a high-protein diet to reduce depersonalization disorder. High protein diets may offer some relief. Avoid sugar and other processed foods. Avoid sugar substitutes. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Drink plenty of water.
Take vitamins and amino acids every day.
If you smoke, quit. It's hard to quit, especially when you're stressed out, but you need to avoid things that interfere with your body's ability to detoxify itself.
Avoid alcohol to reduce depersonalization symptoms. It may seem to give you some relief; however, you may find later that your symptoms of depersonalization increase.
Meditation, spirituality, and religion appear to help several people. Whether you have a God, Higher Power, or something you feel is your higher power, meditate on it as long as it appeals to you.
Read everything you can about depersonalization. Check out some of the links in the resource section to get you started.
Write about your feelings to reduce symptoms of depersonalization disorder. Most experts agree that childhood trauma is responsible for 90% of depersonalization disorders. Depersonalization may stem from traumatic events your conscience does not want to deal with. Your brain numbs itself to protect you from becoming overloaded with stress. Writing is an excellent way to let off some of the emotional pressure you may be holding on to unconsciously. Releasing traumatic memories through writing will help you stop feeling depersonalized. If you feel you cannot write about stressful memories, write about something else until you are ready to face your past.