How to Handle Panic Attacks
Recognize that panic attacks have many symptoms and triggers that vary from person to person. One person may feel nauseated, sick to their stomach and feel like they are going crazy. Another person may have chills and feel they are going to die. Panic problems can seem to come from no where or be triggered in certain circumstances like having to drive a car on the highway.
Start by learning everything you can about panic attacks. Knowing that over one in a hundred people experience panic attacks and recognizing the symptoms makes the experience a little less frightening. Symptoms range from shallow breathing to abosolute terror to chest pains mimicking a heart attack.
Take note of when you have panic attacks. Are your panic attacks triggered by stressful situation, when you are around certain things, or do they come out of no where?
Keep in mind that certain foods, drink and medications can trigger panic attacks including caffeine, alcohol and over the counter diet pep pills. Look at what you are eating to help you handle panic attacks.
Use calming breaths when you are having a panic attack. Accept that you are having one and let the feeling wash over you and away.
If you can pinpoint a specific panic problem you are having such as riding an elevator, try to desensitize yourself to it. Get in an elevator with someone you trust and ride it to one floor. The next day ride it again. Keep doing this until you become desensitized and the panic attacks subside.
Remember that panic attacks are usually manageable but they may not be totally curable. If you have a problem with riding an elevator you may always have the problem but by using techniques like the one above you can learn to handle panic attacks.
Consult your doctor for treatment and the possiblitiy of medication to help you handle panic attacks. For more information and help check out the books and the full Panic Attack program in the resource section on Panic Attacks.