How to Deal with Driving Anxiety
Before driving, try to do something that will help you let go of your tension. Going on the treadmill is helpful, or doing something that requires skill and attention. Do not sit around and think about having to drive.
Be ready to go. Check in advance for your license, registration, toll money etc. You do not need these things becoming concerns or distractions later, since you're already nervous about driving. If driving in the morning, set out your clothes the night before.
Plan your route before you leave. Regardless of whether or not you are using a GPS system, knowing your route in advance is helpful. If you have a friend or family member who is willing to take a dry run with you before you need to drive a particular route, do that so you feel prepared.
Make sure to have a full tank of gas before you begin driving, especially if going to the gas station is a part of your driving anxiety.
Use the bathroom before you begin driving. You do not need to be distracted by the need to use the bathroom while driving.
When you get in the car, turn on your favorite radio station and breathe deeply for a few seconds. Tell yourself that you can drive, that you can succeed, that you will arrive at your destination safely, etc. Build yourself up for success.
Breathe deeply throughout your driving journey. If you find yourself panicking, try to breathe slowly to calm yourself down. If the panic takes over, pull over to the side of the road until you feel mentally able to continue driving.
Congratulate yourself when you arrive at your destination. Be proud of what you've accomplished. Just because others do not think driving is not a big deal does not mean that you haven't just had a major accomplishment. Enjoy your success.