How to Make a Decision Without Thinking Twice
Make important decisions in the morning. According to Lynne Lamberg, coauthor of "The Body Clock Guide to Better Health," studies have shown our bodies are wired to think clearer and make better decisions between 9 and 11 a.m. The reason for this is evolutionary, dating back to prehistoric times when hunters had to decide which route to pursue in the morning.
Trust your instincts, and make a decision in two seconds. Scientists say this is all the time the brain needs to analyze the information and make a good decision. Spending more than two seconds making a decision can result in your brain overriding your instinct. In fact, students taking a test at University College London earned a score that was 20 percent higher when forced to choose an answer immediately, compared to other test takers who had time to mull over each question.
Eat a sugary snack before making a decision. A Cambridge University study revealed that making a decision on an empty stomach resulted in a negative outcome 50 percent of the time. Likewise, in a Florida State University study, subjects were given a choice between three different answers, and 64 percent of the subjects made the most irrational choice when their glucose levels plunged.
Leave it to fate. Research indicates individuals who roll a dice or toss a coin are happier with their decisions in the long run. Since instincts often lead to the correct answer, relying on fate gives you a quick, concrete way to gauge how you feel. If you toss a coin or roll dice to help make your decision and end up disappointed with the result, you know what choice to make.
Focus on something else. According to researchers at the University of Pittsburgh, when you spend time thinking about something else, the correct choice will make itself evident. By spending a great deal of time thinking about something other than the question, the balance between the right and left hemispheres of the brain is disrupted. This results in better decision-making, so give your brain a break.