How to Overcome Indecisiveness
Listen to your gut. Usually your instincts are right on. However, if you have been shushing your gut feelings over a long period of time, you might have forgotten how to know what they are saying to you. Breathe deeply, close your eyes and try to hear that inner voice.
Consider the worst case scenario of that gut feeling. Once you have thought about the most terrible thing that could happen if you make your instinctive choice, you might realize that it wouldn't be that bad. You can also come up with ways to deal with that possible outcome.
Leave it alone for a while. If the decision does not need to be made immediately, give yourself a time limit to mull it over. Sleep on it or walk away for a half-hour.
Imagine living with the decision. That might be as simple as eating a butter brickle sundae (instead of cherries and fudge) or as life altering as being married to the person you are dating. Sit in the feelings that come along with that imagery. Do you feel content or disappointed, stressed out or at peace?
Flip a coin. Call heads for one choice, tails for the other. When the coin lands and you see the outcome, check your emotions. Do you feel relieved or let down? Use this as a tool in coming to your final decision.