How to Stop A Panic Attack Without Drugs
Things You'll Need
- Paper lunch bag
- Paper
- Pencil
- CD
- CD player
- Brain teasers
Identify the panic attack. Panic attacks often feel much like a heart attack or a stroke. If you have any doubts that you are suffering a heart attack, stroke, or any other emergency, get to a hospital immediately.
Control your breathing. In a panic attack, you are hyperventilating and this feeds the feelings of panic. Get a paper lunch bag and breathe slow, deep breaths into it. This will help regulate your breathing.
Understand that a panic attack is temporary. Often, the thoughts of panic cause the panic attack to mushroom. Most panic attacks pass within 10 minutes. Your body usually will regulate itself if you remain calm.
Learn meditation skills. Meditating allows you to close down your mind. This is a great tool to have in the middle of a panic attack. Calm your mind by thinking of the most peaceful place you know. Put yourself there.
Jog around the house or in place. Jogging is a wonderful way to release all that excess adrenaline that you have built up during your panic attack. It also has added health benefits that will help you in the long haul. Make sure that you are healthy enough to do so before trying this one, however. Check with your doctor.
Write a letter to your inner-child. This is a pretty cool way to play a trick on your mind. Sit down and pretend you are writing a letter to yourself when you were 5. Use your nondominant writing hand to make yourself concentrate. This works wonders in the middle of a panic attack.
Play your favorite song. Music is another fantastic release that can work wonders in your body. Just listening to a song that brings back memories can cause your panic attack to slow down and stop.
Invest in a book of brain teaser puzzles. This is a wonderful distraction tool that truly works. You must genuinely attempt to solve the brain teasers and may have to start over several times. Do not give up, and your panic attack will pass.