Things You'll Need
- herbal tea
- kava kava tincture
- Bach Flower Remedy-Rescue Remedy
The first thing to know is that you are not going to die. When I would get panic attacks I would always freak out thinking that there was something medically wrong with me. Know that you are fine. Palpitations, sweating, feeling otherworldly, feeling tingling in your face and extremities are all normal signs of a panic attack.
If you have intense anxiety, but not panic attacks, there is hope. You do not need to feel that not in your stomach and that feeling like you can't breath throughout the day.
the first thing you need to do is to take a trip to the health food store, or natural food market, and purchase a couple of tinctures and some tea. If you are not near a store that carries these, you can easily find them online. They are:
Bach Flower Remedy - "Rescue Remedy"
Kava Kava Root tincture(look for one that is a mustard yellow in color)
Celestial Seasonings Tea - "Tension Tamer" -
If you are feeling anxiety, take the Kava Kava tincture in a bit of water (as much as is directed), and follow it by drink a hot cup of your Tension Tamer tea. Take long deep breaths. There is some debate about Kava Kava root, but when taken in intervals like this it is totally fine. Also, when compared to the tragic effects of pharmaceutical drugs, Kava Kava root is really not risky at all. I have had HUGE success using Kava Kava root over a long period of time when taken at intervals like this...only when needed and not on a routine basis.
Follow this by reciting the mantra:
"everything is alright, I am alright"
"everything is alright, I am alright"
"calm, calm, calm, calm, calm" (say this slowly, as "caaaallllmmmmmm" -
Next, massage some of the pressure points on your body that release anxiety. The main ones that helped me were right between my thumb and first finger...shown here...
The next point is at the base of the scull, on either side of the neck, as shown here...
This step is for when you are out in public and you feel anxious or start to feel a panic attack. Always bring along your Rescue Remedy, and each time you feel the anxiety, take 4 drops under your tongue. The Rescue Remedy is also available in a spray or in a cream.
Every night, take a warm to hot bath, and add in the following:
5 drops of lavender essential oil
3 drops of rose essential oil
3 drops of German chamomileSoak in the bathtub for at least 20 minutes to relax the tension from your muscles. You can combine this with the tea and Kava Kava tincture for extreme cases.
Keep it up and your panic and anxiety will be a thing of the past!