How to Face Your Fear of Thunderstorms
Delve into your past to find the answer to an unreasonable fear of thunderstorms. Sit quietly when you plenty of time and think back to previous thunderstorms, especially those you experienced as a child. Ask yourself if your fear at the time was justified. Pinpoint one experience that stands out as the most traumatic.
Study the science behind thunderstorms. Fear is partially the result of not understanding a subject or of misunderstanding it. When you know how storms form, how they grow and how to protect yourself and your property, you will retain a sense of power. That doesn't mean a storm will not be dangerous, it just means that you will be able to think and function clearly.
Consider hypnosis in your quest to pinpoint a trigger for your unreasonable fear of thunderstorms. A hypnotherapist can regress your memories and help determine an event that started your fearful reactions. The hypnotherapist can then make suggestions to your subconscious mind to counter the phobia.
Create a commonsense plan to protect you from a severe thunderstorm if you live in an area prone to dangerous storms. If you plan for safety, you may be more relaxed during an actual storm.
Desensitize yourself by gradually facing your fear of thunderstorms. If a storm is not dangerous, stay in your living room and observe the lightening through the window. Each time it strikes, make a positive comment, such as, "Wow, that was beautiful," and remain there as long as you can.