How to get rid of a Phobia
Write down exactly what scares you. Be as specific as you can. If you're dealing with a fear of spiders, ask yourself what about spiders frightens you. This step might cause you anxiety, but keep with it.
Ask yourself what is the worst that can happen if you face your fear. For example, if you're scared of public speaking, then the worst thing that can happen is you'll embarrass yourself. This step is important because it removes the fear of the unknown from your phobia.
Practice relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing and tension release while holding onto a small object, like a rabbit's foot or worry rock. Once you're completely relaxed, read through your list of what frightens you and think about the worst case scenario. As your anxiety rises, go through your relaxation routine once again.
Confide in a trusted friend. Explain your phobia and what triggers it. Don't play down your fear. Be as honest as possible. Decide on a phrase, such as, "Everything is fine," your friend can say when you confront your fear. When you hear this phrase, focus on your friend and the emotional support you're receiving.
Confront your fear. Start small and make sure you have your friend and calming object with you. When you first confront your fear, try to keep the environment controlled. For example, if you're conquering your fear of dogs, go to a dog park and sit in your car as you watch the dogs. If you start to panic, make eye contact with your friend, who should repeat the support phrase. As you gain control of your anxiety, touch your calming object and go through your relaxation routine.
Return to a situation that triggers your anxiety after you're comfortable with Step 5. Increase the intensity slightly. If you're confronting your phobia of dogs at the dog park, get out of your car on this second trip. On the third trip, approach a small dog. Increase the intensity once you're reasonably comfortable.
Seek medical help if your phobia is debilitating and you're not making progress dealing with it yourself.