How to relieve anxiety
Things You'll Need
- paper and pen
- quiet place
Write down all current stressors. Be as specific as possible. For example, don't write down finances, write down each specific bill and amount.
Next to each stressor, write down one thing you can control about stressor. Example, if it is not having a job, write down I can apply to jobs
Next, write down a full descriptive plan of action to change stressor.
Prioritize stressors. Either by which plan of action will be easiest to accomplish or by which needs to be accomplished first.
Follow through with plan until it is completed. Remember, you may need to re-evaluate and redevelop your plan.
Remember to breath. Be patient but persevering. Be kind to yourself. Believe you can do it.
If you fell panicky, take a breath. Ask yourself if there is anything you can do to fix problem this minute/day, etc. If you can, then do it. If you cant, review your plan in your mind. Get determined to follow through with your plan.