How to Identify Cyclothymia
Cyclothymia is a mild form of bipolar disorder. It is characterized by periods of feeling on top of the world and other times it can leave a person feeling hopeless. The main difference between the two is that with cyclothymia the ups and downs are more brief than they are with bipolar disorder.Instructions
Know what to look for during the hypomanic phase. During this period, a person feels a sense of eurphoria, extreme optimism, has an extremely high self esteem, poor judgment, rapid speech, racing thoughts, aggressive behavior, becomes self absorbed, engages in risky behavior, increased ambition, increased sexual desire, decreased need for sleep or a lack of focus.
Be able to recognize the depressive phase. This phase is characterized by sadness, hopelessness, suicidal thoughts or behavior, anxiety, guilt, trouble sleeping, loss of appetite, fatigue, loss of interest in daily activities, trouble concentrating, irritability and chronic unexplained pain.
Know what can trigger this disorder. A person can have a greater chance of developing this disorder if they have a family member who has cyclothymia or bipolar disorder, have a lot of stress, abuse drugs or experience a major life change such as a death of a loved one.
Understand the problems that cyclothymia can cause if it's not treated. This includes an increased risk of developing bipolar disorder, substance and alcohol abuse, legal problems, financial woes, problems with relationships, isolation, poor performance at work or school and suicide.