How to Spot Warning Signs of Anxiety
Watch for some of the common physical symptoms such as, headaches, fidgeting, muscle tightness and restless sleeping.
Recognize certain symptoms as a more serious form of anxiety: an exhilarated heartbeat, frequent perspiration, blood pressure increase, dizziness and nausea.
Notice if the person is anxious and worried all the time. This is a generalized anxiety disorder. This person may worry about family, his job and bills. He realizes his level of anxiety as irrational but he is not able to get his feelings of worry under control.
Determine if the person has a fear of objects or situations, animals, heights, enclosed places, elevators, and her own performance. These are all phobias.
Diagnose panic attacks or panic disorders. These are intense fears that escalate accompanied by a rapid or quick heartbeat, shortness of breath, trembling, nausea and dizzy spells. You never know when these attacks will happen which causes more anxiety about having a panic attack. Many times people with this disorder keep their activities to places of comfort like their own home.
Look for obsessive behavior. This may include thoughts of seriously hurting or injuring someone in a specific manner. Compulsive behavior is doing things in a repetitive manner like, washing your hands, bathing, combing your hair or counting. This type of disorder interferes with your ability to function and it takes up a big part of your day.
Seek help if you have had any traumatic or catastrophic events such as assaults, death, war and natural disasters. This type of disorder is a post traumatic stress disorder. These people tend to avoid places and things associated with the traumatic event. They typically will have flashbacks in the form of reoccurring dreams or intrusive memories.