How to Stop Being Paranoid
Retrain the way you think. Have confidence, if you become paranoid in a social situation and you start to judge yourself too harshly, remember there are no cut-and-dried rules to socializing. No one hangs on to your every word.
Let things go and stop obsessing. We have all had concerns with something we have said or someone else has said during a conversation. We have given the wrong idea to a friend or we did not like a comment made by a co-worker. Do not dwell or waste time thinking about the conversation. It accomplishes nothing and only makes you unhappy. Let it go. Ninety percent of the time, there was no malice intention and the other person did not give it a second thought.
Eat healthy; your diet has a lot to do with the way you feel. Practice relaxation techniques and regular exercise. This will help to lower your level of anxiety.
Do a reality check. There is no reason that you would be at any greater risk for being a victim of crime than any other person living in the United States.
Empower yourself--purchase a can of pepper spray, a small alarm to carry with you and sign up for a class in self-defense.