How to Overcome a Fear of the Sun
Face your fear by using the phobia treatment known as "flooding." By subjecting the person with the phobia to the object of their fear, the idea is to expose them until they realize their fear is unbiased. Slather on some sunscreen, don a hat and take a long walk in the bright sunshine.
Use the counter-condition method of phobia control by training yourself to relax during exposure to the sun by utilizing relaxation techniques. The technique is designed to develop a different response to exposure to sunlight, gradually removing your fear.
Research the benefits of sunlight to our planet. If all you've ever learned is the danger posed by the sun, it might help to know that the earth would cease to exist if the sun didn't shine. All plant and animal life would perish.
Try hypnotherapy if you are losing the battle against your fear of the sun. If you've tried the exposure and counter-conditioning methods with no results, some people say clinical hypnosis by a mental health professional can re-condition your brain to see the sun as a beneficial source of life, instead of a fearful monster.
Schedule an appointment with your doctor to rule out any physical conditions or chemical imbalances that might cause a frightful reaction to the sun. If you suffered a severe sunburn in the past or sunlight hurts your eyes, your doctor can treat the physical side of your phobia, hopefully reducing your fear.