How to Overcome Fear of Elevators
Use virtual reality therapy, guided by an experienced therapist. With virtual therapy, the patient is made to "enter" a computer simulation of an elevator in a tall building. Using a joystick, the patient can move the elevator up and down at their own pace, while experiencing the sensation of riding an elevator in a safe environment. After multiple sessions, the therapist will help guide the patient into an actual elevator.
Consider hypnosis to reduce your fear of elevators. Hypnosis can reduce fear and anxiety by "reprogramming" your subconscious, where the root of your fear lies. Working with an experienced therapist, you can uncover the cause of your fear, which will eventually help you to overcome it.
Find a Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) practitioner, that can help you overcome your fear of elevators by seeking to discover why you have created your fear. NLP can help you understand how you form your mental constructs and why you experience anxiety. By learning how you create your reality, you can learn to create a new reality that doesn't include a fear of elevators.
Treat your fear of elevators with energy therapy, which is very similar to acupuncture and works with your body's meridian lines, without needles. Once learned from an experienced therapist, energy therapy can then be used in a variety of situations. It teaches you to take control of your behavior and anxieties through changes in thought patterns, thus allowing you to take control of your own recovery.