How to Treat Social Anxiety Disorder With Effexor
Things You'll Need
- Prescription for Effexor
- Medical supervision
Take Effexor to Treat Social Anxiety Disorder
Visit a licensed psychiatrist or therapist for proper diagnosis. Social anxiety has a high co-morbidity with other mental conditions, including depression and general anxiety. It's important to know whether social anxiety disorder is your primary diagnosis or secondary diagnosis.
Discuss your treatment options once you are diagnosed. Social anxiety disorder is treated with drug therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, exposure therapy and natural remedies. Your doctor can point you in the right direction for your condition.
Consider taking Zoloft or **** first if you decide to use drug therapy. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are usually the first lines of defense when treating social anxiety disorder.
Inform you doctor of other drugs you are taking and your medical history to determine whether Effexor is safe for you to take.
Take Effexor at the same time every day. Effexor should always be taken with food, but it can be taken in the morning or the evening, depending on whether it makes you feel alert or drowsy.
Start with a low dose. Your doctor will likely prescribe a lower dosage of the drug in order to determine whether it's going to work for you. The lower dosage may make it easier to discontinue if there is no effect and may expose you to less side effects up front.
Give the drug at least a month before deciding if it is working for you. Like all antidepressants, the true effect of Effexor cannot be immediately determined.
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