How to Calm Down in Under a Minute
Focus on breathing. With eyes closed, if possible, take three long, measured breaths. Pay close attention to inhalation and exhalation of each one. Practice breathing meditation in order to call upon this skill to calm down quickly (see Resources.)
Count slowly to ten backwards. Silently count while visualizing each number in vivid color. Practice and use this as a method of re-focusing.
Be prepared. Anticipate upset, anxiety and panic by identifying the fears that cause these emotions. Consider various scenarios and think through to resolution. Counter fear of failure, for example, by trying to reason the fear and then remove it.
Make a plan. Anticipate the problem and your response. Focus on the main goal, for example a job interview, and visualize how it can positively play out. Revert to these thoughts when anxiety strikes.
Consider beforehand what's the fear and examine the legitimacy. Weigh, for example, the real consequences of getting lost on the way to meet a friend in a new city.
Be in control to minimize upset, increase focus and get right back on track. Calm down by being in control of the situation.
Investigate biofeedback. Learn about the body's response to various situations and how to best cope (see Resources.)