How to Overcome Fear
Take the time to turn off all of the external noise and think about you. Make a list of the things that you know would make you happy and the things you can do to change. If you want a career instead of a job, look at your hobbies and strengths to find a career that you can excel in and love.
Tune out the critic in your head that says you can't go back to school. Ignore the voice in your head that says you can't diet and exercise to be healthier. Turn off the self talk that keeps you from going out with your friends to have fun because you are too scared of rejection or not being accepted.
Prioritize your life. Working and paying the bills is necessary, but if you need the space to pursue a career or to get a degree then you may need to prioritize your life and your needs. Paying for television channels that you never watch, a fancy car that with a fancy car payment, a lavish apartment or home are all things that can be eliminated to give you the money to reach your goals without starving.
Meditate to overcome fear. Sit in a quiet room with your eyes closed. Picture the activity or goal that you have feared in the past but want to make a reality. Picture yourself reaching that goal and doing a fantastic job with the new found joy and happiness that it will bring you. Do this as often as you need to in order to overcome fear and mobilize yourself to act.