How to Find a Support Group for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Know that you are not alone. Whatever your traumatic event may have been, other people have experienced similar trauma and want to help.
Seek support in dealing with the feelings you experience. Your physician, mental health professional or clergy member know what is available in your community.
Inquire about the make-up and purpose of the group. Most groups have a theme or purpose. For example, some post-traumatic stress disorder support groups focus on helping survivors of rape while others are specifically for veterans.
Realize the importance of socializing with others who have suffered similarly to you. The support groups are generally made up of people at various stages of recovery. Others in the group understand the type of suffering you feel. Work together to turn what feels like an uncontrollable situation into the ability to effectively manage your lives again.
Identify resources available at Browse through the support groups available nationwide. This website also offers online communities as a different venue for support groups.
Find the nearest group and attend it. Suffering alone only prolongs and worsens the pain you are already experiencing. The sooner you seek help, the sooner your suffering ends.