How to Conquer Agoraphobia
Take baby steps to move beyond your safety zone. Agoraphobics often have trouble leaving "safety zones," or areas where they do not feel helpless. These places are usually their home, a nearby retail store or a work place. Gently push yourself to move beyond these areas for short periods of time.
Make subtle changes to your daily routine. Treating agoraphobia is a slow process because the slightest change in routine can raise fear or panic. Conquer agoraphobia by tricking your mind. Make a tiny change in your day. Then another tiny change the next day (or week, depending on how serious your condition is). For example, take a different side street when driving home from work or turn one light on in your home and leave it on.
Consider hypnosis treatment. Many agoraphobics find that being hypnotized as a form of therapy works to control their anxiety.
Find a creative outlet for your fear. People who suffer from agoraphobia are some of the most intelligent and creative individuals in the world. When you sense the fear begin to rise in you, have a planned activity or project that requires all of your brainpower.
Ask your physician for a behavioral therapist referral. Counseling is a proven path to treatment of agoraphobia.
Get prescribed medication. Medicine is available for people who suffer from panic and anxiety disorders. Ask your doctor to prescribe something with minimal side effects. Agoraphobics do not like feelings of change in their body.