How to Deal with Lingering Nightmares
Dealing for Kids
Tell whatever is in the nightmare to just go away and that you don't believe in it. Always remember that this is in your mind. You control it; it doesn't control you.
Try to not wake up until you start flying. Once you take to the sky in your dream, you can destroy whatever causes the nightmare and be free.
Install a dream catcher in your room. This is a circular structure made of flexible wood, leather, feathers and beads. If you hang one in the window, it can catch bad dreams before they get to you.
Dealing for Adults
Remain calm. Getting hold of your thoughts is the best step toward dealing with nightmares. Panicking is the worst thing you can do, as it will cause your problems to get bigger.
Write down or record your dreams once you wake up. This will help since many people forget dreams in a short time. Keeping a record of dreams and nightmares can help you detect any pattern.
Become conscious of the fact that you are dreaming. If you can learn to be calm in your subconscious, you can become aware of the dream. Meditation or thinking of peaceful thoughts can work
Try to remember your past. Many nightmares are tied to some traumatic event or suppressed memory. Bringing these memories back to consciousness can help understand dreams.
Talk with a counselor. This is especially helpful if you are dealing with a past trauma such as abuse. Talking with a professional can help you deal with these problems.