How to Cope With Acrophobia (Fear of Heights)
Practice stress and anxiety relieving techniques such as yoga, meditation or deep breathing. These techniques help you relax in the situation causing the phobia symptoms.
Avoid high places which trigger panic. You may have some situations which bother you more than others and it may be possible to avoid those fear inducing places. Some individuals have more severe forms of acrophobia and avoidance may be impossible.
Take advantage of opportunities to overcome acrophobia. For less severe cases, this means challenging yourself to put yourself gradually in situations that cause your fear of heights. Some studies suggest efforts to create safety in these situations can increase fear because of tension and other biological factors. Instead, relax and try not to hang on tightly to railings or other supports.
Use positive thinking to diffuse the situation. Thinking positively, "I can do this," combined with deep breathing or other forms of relaxation, may help you diffuse the situation. Finding that your fear is not as great in a situation as you thought it might be will help you reduce your panic.
Try medications designed to reduce anxiety. Consult with a medical professional before taking a medication for this purpose and understand the side effects that may go along with it.
Treat acrophobia with behavior therapy. Behavior therapy focuses on changing the way you respond to the feared situation. This may help you to learn alternate beliefs about the situation. Consult with a psychologist or psychiatrist for more information.