How to Cope With Worry
Pinpoint the exact cause of your worries. If you feel vaguely uneasy or agitated, sort through your feelings to determine exactly what is troubling you.
Tackle the worry straight on. Thinking about the worst possible outcome you could face might help you realize that the likely outcome is not as bad as you feared.
Reflect on your past ' what you worried about, the sorts of bad things that happened. You may realize that even unexpected bad fortune didn't turn out as bad as you might imagine, and that you learned a great deal or somehow benefited from it.
Realize that worrying will not improve the situation ' you cannot prevent bad outcomes simply by fretting.
Take action to better the situation. Do what is within your power to prevent undesirable turns of events.
Have confidence in your personal ability to weather challenges. Review your strengths, the challenges you've overcome in the past and the people around you who can offer support.