How to Overcome a Phobia
Explore exactly what it is you are afraid of about the object or situation. Is there some underlying reason that you are avoiding the object or situation? Is there something you gain by avoiding the object or situation (besides avoiding the fear or anxiety)?
Learn how to relax and calm yourself. There are many ways to do this. Here is one method: Take a slow deep breath into your belly to the count of six and then breathe out slowly to the count of six. Practice this daily for five minutes; increase over time to 20 minutes.
Make a list starting with the feared object or situation - for example, driving on freeways. Then, write down what object or situation would be slightly less anxiety-producing - for example, driving on small highways.
Explore exactly what it is you are afraid of. Is there some underlying reason or past event that causes you to avoid an object or situation? Is there something you gain by avoiding it (besides avoiding the fear or anxiety)?
Learn how to relax and calm yourself. There are many ways to do this. Here is one method: Take a slow, deep breath into your belly to the count of six and then breathe out slowly to the count of six. Practice this daily for 5 minutes; increase over time to 20 minutes.
Make a list starting with the feared object or situation'for example, driving on freeways. Then, write down what object or situation would be slightly less anxiety-producing'for example, driving on small highways.
Continue making a list of items that are slightly less anxiety-producing than the previous item'for example, driving on big, busy streets, then driving on less congested streets, and so forth.
Get into a relaxed state using whatever method you have been practicing. Starting with the least anxiety-producing item on your list (the last item), imagine yourself in that situation as vividly as possible while continuing to breathe and stay relaxed.
Go on to the next item up. Visualize yourself in that situation while continuing to practice relaxation and calm yourself.
Work up the list, imagining yourself in each situation while continuing to practice remaining relaxed and calm. Only go to the next item when you can successfully stay calm imagining the previous item. If one of the items produces too much anxiety, stop the exercise and come back to it later. Start at the beginning of your list each time, and progress as far as you can. It may take you several sessions before you progress to the top of the list.
Write down all the thoughts you have when facing your phobia, such as 'I'm going to die,' 'I'm going to have a heart attack' or 'I can't breathe.'
Write down alternative thoughts that would help you calm down, such as 'I am not going to die,' 'I can breathe' or 'I can relax.'
In real life, put yourself in the least anxiety-producing situation on your list (the last item) and practice relaxing and calming yourself just as you imagined. Include telling yourself the alternative thoughts to help you calm down.
Work yourself up to your most feared situation or object (your phobia) while practicing being relaxed and calm.