How to Reassure a Suicidal Bipolar Person?
Dealing with a suicidal bipolar person is a serious matter. In the depths of a depressive episode, a bipolar person will experience intense feelings of sadness and hopelessness and will not be able to reason logically. It is being able to properly handle a situation such as this that can potentially mean the difference between life and death. Following a few steps will help most people reassure a suicidal bipolar person.Instructions
Take the person seriously. There have many many occasions where suicide threats have come to fruition simply because the listening party didn't take the person seriously. Never downplay the situation and think that the person is just bluffing.
Listen to the person attentively. Allow them to express themselves and vent their feelings. Many times, people battling suicidal thoughts simply need someone to talk to and understand them.
Empathize with the person as much as possible and show them that you are sincerely concerned. Don't judge the person or downplay their sadness.
Remind the suicidal person that there is hope and that they won't feel that way forever. Give them your support and let them know that they are important to you.
Seek professional help right away if the person has an immediate, specific plan for suicide. Call 911 and stay with them until police have arrived if you are at their home. If you are in separate locations, call 911 and then call the person right back and stay on the the line with them until police arrive. From there, the officers can determine if hospitalization is necessary. You can also drive the person to an emergency room as well.