Strongholds & Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder presents with extreme mood highs, called mania, and extreme mood lows, called depression. Individuals in the mania phase act overly expressive, while depressed individuals exhibit symptoms of hopelessness, shame and despair. Thought patterns in the form of strongholds that are not aligned with the truths of the Bible can make these extremes even worse, according to the book "Deliverance and Inner Healing" by John and Mark Sandford.
Medical View
Medication can bring the person's thoughts and underlying strongholds under control so the person can cope effectively with life on a day-to-day basis. Spiritual counselors do not recommend that the person discontinue medical help or taking prescription medication.
Biblical View
Fractured thought processes contribute to bipolar disorder. The examples of King Saul, King David and King Nebuchadnezzar in the Old Testament all indicate mental illness and possibly, bipolar disorder. Strongholds contributed to their poor mental health.