Bipolar Disorders & Signal Analysis
It takes an average of 10 years for patients to enter treatment for bipolar disorder. This often is due to misdiagnoses by doctors. Half of sufferers see at least three doctors before being diagnosed correctly.
Substance Abuse
Substance abuse adds to the problem. According to WebMD, "Substance abuse usually complicates the diagnosis and treatment of bipolar disorder. Substance abuse is bipolar disorder's partner in crime. Nearly 60 percent of people with bipolar disorder also abuse drugs or alcohol. Those who abuse substances usually have more severe or poorly controlled bipolar disorder."
Bipolar disorder generally begins to appear in the late teens. Signals include easy tearfulness, aggression, feeling trapped, overeating and anxiety.
Manic Phase
Signals of a manic phase caused by bipolar disorder include poor judgment, racing thoughts, spending sprees, frequent absences (work or school), suicidal thoughts and psychosis.
When to See a Doctor
Bipolar disorder doesn't get better on its own, so it's important to see a doctor at the first sign of symptoms. If you are having suicidal thoughts, get help immediately.