What does disorder bipolar nos 296.80 mean?
Symptoms of bipolar disorder:
* Periods of mania or hypomania (elevated mood or activity) alternating with periods of depression (low mood or activity)
* Changes in energy levels
* Changes in sleep patterns
* Changes in appetite
* Increased or decreased sex drive
* Impulsivity
* Poor judgment
* Racing thoughts
* Delusions (false beliefs)
* Hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that are not there)
Criteria for bipolar I disorder:
* At least one manic or mixed episode
* No current major depressive episode (or only brief depressive episodes lasting less than 2 weeks)
* Symptoms are not caused by a substance or medical condition
Criteria for bipolar II disorder:
* At least one major depressive episode
* At least one hypomanic episode
* No history of full-blown mania or mixed episodes
* Symptoms are not caused by a substance or medical condition
Bipolar disorder NOS is diagnosed when someone has symptoms of bipolar disorder, but does not meet the full criteria for either bipolar I or bipolar II disorder. This may be because the person is experiencing less severe symptoms, or because their symptoms do not fit neatly into the criteria for either bipolar I or bipolar II disorder.
Bipolar disorder NOS is a serious mental illness that can have a significant impact on a person's life. There are effective treatments available, and people with bipolar disorder NOS can live full and productive lives.