What are three criterion used to diagnose a true manic episode?

According to the DSM 5, a true manic episode is characterized by at least three of the following symptoms, which must be present for most of the day and represent a significant change from the individual's baseline.

1. Elevated or expansive mood. This can be expressed as feeling euphoric, very optimistic, or cheerful.

2. Increased activity. This can be shown as physical restlessness or increased social activity.

3. Racing thoughts. This can be shown as having difficulty concentrating or being easily distracted.

4. Increased talkativeness. This can be shown as talking more than usual or speaking rapidly.

5. Decreased need for sleep. This can be shown as insomnia or feeling refreshed after only a few hours of sleep.

6. Impulsive behavior. This can be shown as engaging in risky or reckless activities without regard for consequences.

7. Grandiosity. This can be shown as having unrealistic beliefs in one's own abilities or powers.

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