How to Identify Bipolar Symptoms
Look for drastic changes in moods.
These mood changes can last for weeks at a time, days, or be rather rapid. Quick changes in mood swings is often a sign of rapid cycling bipolar disorder.
Watch for signs of depression.
Especially in women bipolar disorder presents itself more clearly in the depressive stage of the cycle. Look for loss of motivation even for routine self care, fatigue, loss of appetite, unexplained weight gain or loss, or a need for excessive sleep.
Take note of any manic episodes.
Bipolar disorder is characterized by the cycling through of depression and manic states. Mania is characterized by an unusually high level of energy, urges to continue talking, rapid work, inability to sleep, and sometimes illusions of self-importance or grandeur.
Watch for any signs of suicidal consideration.
Suicide is more likely to be pursued by bipolar disorder victims than the normal population. Even if a suicidal comment is made in passing or seems to be in jest it should be noted and reported if necessary. Bipolar individuals often have trouble gaining perspective on their own condition until treatment begins. As a result, loved ones often have to signal the need for professional health.
* See tips below for more information on bipolar symptoms and treatment options.