How to Tell If Your Child Has Bipolar Disorder (BD)
Know the symptoms of adolescent bipolar disorder. Most parents aren't aware that they have a bipolar child for some time. Like I said, diagnosing adolescent bipolar disorder can be very difficult in children as they display many common symptoms with that age. Understand the symptoms of bipolar disorder as well as bipolar disorder depression the best you can. Web MD is a great site that lists the symptoms and causes of child bipolar disorder.
Have your child tested for adolescent bipolar disorder. Knowing that your child has child bipolar disorder, you will be able to tap into resources to help your child better cope with bipolar disorder. While there is no exact lab test for bipolar disorder, you local doctor can evaluate a combination of different factors to determine if your child has bipolar disorder. Family history of bipolar disorder mental health exams, medical history, and physical exams to rule out all other possible disorders and diseases are some of the factors that come into consideration.
Experiment with different treatments for bipolar disorder. Doctor prescribed drugs are the most common and effective medications for bipolar disorder. However, there are a number of natural remedies that have successfully treated or suppressed bipolar disorder among children and young adults.