In-Patient Treatment for Bipolar Disorder
When Is In-Patient Treatment Appropriate?
Inpatient treatment for bipolar disorder is appropriate if the patient is unable to care for himself. For instance, a patient who is too depressed to get out of bed may need to be hospitalized. Inpatient treatment is also appropriate if the patient is suicidal. A psychiatrist will determine whether or not a patient should be hospitalized.
Where is In-Patient Treatment Provided?
Inpatient treatment for bipolar disorder is most often provided in psychiatric units of general medical hospitals. For patients with sufficient funds or adequate health insurance coverage, inpatient treatment may be provided in private psychiatric hospitals.
Components of In-Patient Treatment
Inpatient treatment for bipolar disorder includes a number of components, all of which work together to stabilize the patient. Inpatient care usually includes a medical evaluation, psychotropic medication, group therapy and a low-stress environment. Family counseling and individual therapy may also be provided. In rare cases, electro-convulsive therapy (ECT) is recommended.
Duration of In-Patient Treatment
Inpatient treatment for bipolar disorder--like inpatient treatment for other psychological disorders--is aimed at stabilizing the patient and returning him to the community setting as soon as possible. The length of a hospital stay will vary based on the individual needs of the patient, but most inpatient mental health stays are only one or two weeks in duration.
What Comes Next?
After a patient is discharged from the hospital, he should continue to take his medication as prescribed. If a patient does not have a psychiatrist and an outpatient therapist, the hospital will refer him to the appropriate services prior to discharge.