Weight Loss With Seroquel & Topamax
Counter-acting Seroquels Weight Gain with Topamax
Seroquel is an anti-depressant that alters the actions of the chemicals that are in the brain. Since it's introduction to the market, it has seen great success in helping people with depression or bipolar disorder. However what makes it work so well is part of why you gain weight. Researchers think that it may alter the chemical signals that are sent to the thyroid, resulting in an increase in weight. But since the drug works so well as an anti-depressant, coming off the drug is simply not an option for some people. Enter the drug Topamax. Topamax is an anticonvulsant that was originally marketed as a treatment for epilepsy. However, it was soon found to have excellent weight loss properties and is now prescribed by psychiatrist's to patients that have experienced significant (20 lbs or more) weight gain due to their anti-depressants
How Much Topamax Will Induce Weight Loss
The amount of Topamax that needs to be taken on a daily basis to induce weight loss is not cut and dry. It can vary from as little as 25 mg but as high as 800 mg per day. Your doctor will decide what how many milligrams you will need in order for the drug to be effective. What ever dose your physician prescribes for you, it is usually taken 2 times a day at equal intervals. The drug manufacturer (Ortho-McNeil) recommends that you start out with the lowest dose (25 mg) and then gradually increase the amount week by week.
Side Effects of Topamax
Although the Topamax is prescribed by many psychiatrist, it is not approved by the FDA. In fact, the side effects were so severe that Ortho-McNeil decided to to market it as a weight loss drug. One of the most common side effects of the drug is memory loss and difficulty concentrating. It is so common that it has earned the name "stupamax" or "dupamax". Some of the other side effects include:kidney stones, hair loss, and fatigue. For these reasons you should never self prescribe Topamax. It should only be used for weight loss under close medical supervision.