Adderall for Bipolar Disorder
What is it?
Adderall is a CNS stimulant that according to, affects chemicals in the brain and nerves that contribute to hyperactivity and impulse control.
Adderall for Depressive Bipolar Episodes
Adderall, although only FDA approved to treat narcolepsy, ADD and ADHD, is also being prescribed to treat depression and depressive episodes in bipolar disorder. Its stimulant qualities give patients the energy to get our of bed or off the sofa.
Adderall and Bipolar Disorder
- states that Adderall usage by bipolar patients can actually experience a worsening in bipolar symptoms when the “up” feeling from Adderall wears off. Most physicians are against using Adderrall in bipolar patients.
Drug Interactions
- states that patients with bipolar disorder should not use the drug. It interacts with medications commonly prescribed for bipolar disorder and can worsen the condition.
Side Effects
Adderall side effects include, but are not limited to: fast, pounding heartbeat, dry mouth, agitation, confusion, loss of appetite, sleep problems, tremors, hallucinations, restlessness, weight loss, impotence and many others. (See Reference 1.)
If you have bipolar disorder, do not take Adderrall without speaking to your doctor about its potentially harmful effects.