Loneliness & Bipolar Disorder
The battle with bipolar disorder tends to be an internal one, with the affected individual very focused on controlling his own thoughts and feelings. This silent, internal war with bipolar symptoms can create feelings of loneliness and isolation, even when surrounded by other people.
Symptoms of bipolar disorder can be alarming. Individuals who experience violent thoughts, for example, may feel others would reject them if they knew how bad their thoughts really were. Shame leads to secrecy, self-hatred, and further isolation from others.
Feeling connected to others who understand what it's like to experience bipolar disorder can help alleviate loneliness. Seek out bipolar support groups and forums, and knowledgeable friends and family members who are willing to listen.
Professional Help
Damaged self-esteem, damaged relationships, and underdeveloped social skills are common effects of bipolar disorder, further exacerbating an individual's sense of loneliness. A qualified therapist can assist in developing better skills that result in self-acceptance and more opportunities for close relationships.
Bipolar disorder is a complex mental illness that is sometimes accompanied by suicidal thoughts and impulses. If this occurs, seek help from a hotline or trusted support person, and go to the ER if necessary.