Psychoanalytic Treatment for Bipolar
The different types of bipolar disorder are Bipolar I, Bipolar II, cyclothymic disorder, mixed bipolar and rapid-cycling bipolar disorder. Each type involves some degree of alternating manic and depressive episodes.
There is no cure for bipolar disorder. However, symptoms may be treated with medications, such as mood-stabilizing drugs, atypical anti-psychotics and antidepressants, in conjunction with some form of psychotherapy.
Cognitive behavioral therapy focuses on replacing unhealthy thoughts and behaviors with positive ones, and adapting new, healthy ways of coping with stress. Family-focused therapy develops coping skills while incorporating family members in an effort to establish supportive bonds.
Other Methods
Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy focuses on improving interactions with other people and establishing healthy daily routines. Psychoeducation provides education about bipolar disorder, and may help patients understand themselves better while improving how they cope with their condition.
Licensed psychologists, counselors, or social workers generally conduct psychoanalytic sessions. Psychotherapy can be tailored to address a person's specific needs.