How to Cope With Bipolar Aggression
Educate yourself. If you are a person with bipolar disorder it is important to be able to identify the different symptoms and how to deal with them. During a manic episode it is common to experience increased physical and mental energy. This increased energy can lead to agitation and extreme irritability, which in turn can lead to aggressive behavior. So what do you do with these feelings? The first thing is to think. Think about the consequences of following these feelings and hurting someone that may be important to you. It is not always easy to do because part of the mania is also poor judgment and impulsiveness.
Talk to your doctor about possibly using medication to ease some of the symptoms and make them easier to deal with. Bipolar disorder is not something that can be resolved on your own. Find someone that you trust to talk out these feelings that you are having. A trusted friend or loved one can help you sort out these feelings and it will also help them to understand what you are going through and not take things personally when you are experiencing an episode of mania. The use of medications will not totally cure the effects of bipolar but they will make episodes a little more manageable.
Don't act on the violent desires. Anger and aggression are passing phases of bipolar--remember that these feelings will pass. Acting on the desire will only compound problems by possibly having you end up hurt by a confrontation or even in legal trouble. Don't take things personally. Be honest with yourself; the world is not pitted against you. Everyone is not going out of their way to hurt or anger you. Again, just remember, the feelings will pass.