Symptoms & Causes of Bipolar Disorder in Children
A child with bipolar disorder experiences depression and mania. Symptoms of mania include agitation, needing less sleep, believing in extraordinary abilities or talents, extreme happiness, risky behavior and trouble concentrating. Depression symptoms include being sad, disinterested in normal activities and feeling aches and pains.
Risk Factors
Genetics, high stress and major life changes (such as a death in the family or divorce) can contribute to the development of bipolar disorder.
Bipolar disorder has been categorized into three subtypes: bipolar disorder NOS (not otherwise specified), bipolar I disorder and bipolar II disorder. In bipolar I disorder, mania occurs frequently. In bipolar II disorder, depression and mania occur often. Bipolar I and II symptoms occur in patterns. Bipolar disorder NOS is non-patterned periods of mania and depression.
Bipolar disorder is caused by an imbalance of chemicals in the brain. The condition is more likely in children who have a family history.
Treatment includes medication and therapy. Medication attempts to stabilize moods with one or more anti-depressants, anti-stress medications and mood stabilizers. Therapy includes behavioral modification that helps the child learn acceptable behavior.