How to Convince a Bipolar Spouse to Get Help
Accept that when dealing with a bipolar spouse, you may need to take charge of things such as getting medical help at times. If your husband or wife ever becomes suicidal or seriously manic, do not hesitate to call 911 to get him or her emergency medical treatment. This can save your loved one's life.
Ask your partner to sit down and have a conversation with you about his or her bipolar disorder. Such conversations should only be done when he or she is not in an excessively emotional state.
Tell your spouse your concerns for his or her mental health and safety without lecturing or criticizing. Try not to use "you" statements, as this can be seen as attacking.
Bring up your concerns about untreated bipolar disorder, such as the risk of suicide, financial problems, health issues due to overeating or too much drinking, and arrest from behaviors such as reckless driving. You may want to include a close friend or family member of your spouse during such conversations, but always make sure that the tone of the talks is not accusatory.
Include your spouse's therapist or a clergymember if such a support person is already in his or her life and is willing to attend an intervention. A professional and more impartial party may be able to guide your partner into seeking further medical assistance.
Ask your partner to seek medical help during the conversation. If your bipolar loved one makes an appointment, gently but firmly insist that you both go to the doctor.
Make a doctor's appointment for your spouse if he or she refuses to do so and there is not an immediate crisis at hand. Attend the appointment with your partner. Whether you or your spouse made the appointment, your family doctor will likely make a psychiatric care referral if your loved one does not already have one. The doctor may be able to prescribe some medication while you and your spouse wait for further medical evaluations.
Keep notes of mood swings, dates, and particularly disturbing behavior such as reckless activities like binge drinking or eating. As there are two primary types of bipolar disorder, such notes can help medical professionals make the correct diagnosis and offer the best drug treatment and psychotherapy.
Plan a lot of fun activities that your spouse enjoys, such as going out to dinner, watching a movie at home or at a theatre, or visiting a special weekend vacation place. This will help you both and aid your spouse in realizing that even when you have to make some medical decisions, you do it out of love and concern.
Encourage your bipolar partner to talk freely about his symptoms and listen carefully without judgment. You may be alarmed at some feelings that are expressed, and may need to find your own therapist or support system to deal with your emotions.
Maintain patience. Once your bipolar spouse either accepts help or is compelled to get it because of a crisis, medications and therapy take time to work. They also rely on your loved one staying with his or her recommended course of treatment. You can encourage your spouse to take the medications, but cannot force it.