Safest Bipolar Medication
Bipolar disorder is a form of mental illness characterized by unpredictable mood swings from mania to depression. Medication brings both mania and depression under control and is the key to reducing mood episodes. But finding the right medication can be tricky and often depends on trial and error.-
The Facts
Bipolar disorder is a lifetime condition that requires long-term treatment. Everyone responds to medication differently, so you may have to try several different medications before you find the one that works for you.
Medication Choices
Mood stabilizers are the most commonly prescribed medication for manic depression and usually the safest. Other medication choices include anti-seizure medications, antidepressants and atypical anti-psychotic medications.
Side Effects
Medication for bipolar disorder sometimes causes unpleasant side effects. Use a log to record any side effects you are experiencing, how bad they are and how often you are experiencing them. Your doctor may have suggestions for minimizing side effects or he may change your dose---or change your medication altogether.
Whenever you start a new medication, it is important for you to learn how to take it safely. Talk to your doctor about the risks and side effects, as well as possible interactions with other medications you are taking.
Call your doctor if you experience suicidal or aggressive feelings. Be sure to take medication exactly as prescribed and don't discontinue your medication without discussing it with your doctor.