Bipolar Myths
Bipolar Disorder Is Rare
About 6 million Americans suffer bipolar disorder, approximately 2.6% of the population.
Bipolar Disorder Is an Excuse
People with bipolar disorder suffer legitimate mental and physical issues that often impair their ablility to make rational decisions.
There Is a Test and Cure
There is no test for bipolar disorder. Only a licensed professional can determine a diagnosis. Additionally, only a physician can prescribe medication or administer the talk therapy that will help sufferers cope with their illness.
Children Aren't Bipolar
Although it is often difficult to separate bipolar symptoms from normal childhood tantrums, many children do exhibit typical cyclical bipolar behaviors. The average age for bipolar onset is 25.
People with Bipolar Disorder Cannot Lead Normal Lives
A bipolar disorder patient requires more emotional maintenance than the average person, but with medication and/or therapy a sufferer can lead a near normal, albeit troubled, life.